Asteasier presented during EIC’s Tech Demo Days

Last 22nd of September, the Asteasier project was presented in front of an audience of potential stakeholders, as part of the Tech Demo Days organized by the EIC.

This was the first activity of the EIC’s Tech To Market Venture Building Program, a support program aimed at the creation of startups for EIC Transition-winning projects.

Asteasier was selected from various winning projects and then had the opportunity to present a five-minute pitch to an audience of potential stakeholders, which was followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.

The occasion was very important for Asteasier, since participation in the Tech Demo Days is an obligatory step to continue in the tech-to-market program. In the event that Asteasier is selected for the subsequent phases, the project will have the possibility of accessing targeted consultancy services (for example on IPR or regulatory aspects), fundamental tools in the path that will bring the solution to the market.